CS167 Machine Learning

Course materials and notes for Drake University's CS167: Machine Learning


Meredith Moore
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
325 Collier Scripps Hall
More about Professor Moore

Teaching Assistant

Brendan Algard brendan.algard@drake.edu

Office Hours

M / W : 12:30pm - 2:00pm
T / R : 11:00am - 12:30pm
Or by appointment
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Introduction to Machine Learning

Slides | Video | Code

Table of Contents:

What is Machine Learning?

A sub-discipline of Artificial Intelligence.

Two approaches to Intelligence:

Let’s talk about programming a computer to play chess. There are two main approaches the classic artificial intelligence approach and the machine learning approach.

The Artificial Intelligence Approach:

Develop a heuristic (some sort of way to tell the value of a given piece)… let’s say:

Piece Points
Queen 12
Rook 8
Bishop 7
Knight 7
Pawn 1

An artificial intelligence approach would, for any configuration of a chess board:

A Machine Learning Approach:

In contrast to the artificial intelligence approach, a machine learning approach would be based on data. The idea would be to gather a bunch of chess game examples and for any configuation:

So, the main idea is that often times artificial intelligence refers to rule and heuristic based appraoches to solving problems, while machine learning approaches refer to utilizing data from previous occurences to predict what the best approach would be.